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Friday, 26 April 2024
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Bill Jones' Blogs

Rule 8: Out of Bounds and Throw In - Player

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Section I—Player

The player is out-of-bounds when he touches the floor or any object on or outside a boundary. For the location of a player in the air, his position is that from which he last touched the floor. The last part of the foot/feet which is in contact with the floor on his last step prior to jumping over the midcourt line or three-point line shall determine his location.


Is it a 2 or 3 point shot attempt if a shooter starts his/her shot behind the 3 point line, and lands by the free throw lane?

Crew Chief stuff!!


Rule 7: Shot Clock - Change of Possession?

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Section II—Starting and Stopping of Shot Clock

 e. A team is considered in possession of the ball when holding, passing or dribbling.  The team is considered in possession of the ball even though the ball has been batted away but the opponent has not gained possession.


This is especially true after a score.  The team inbounds the ball in the back court.  As the team advances in to the front court, the ball is tipped away by the defender in the back court.  That shot clock is still an active running shot clock until the possession of the ball has changed. 

Make sure your table crew is aware of when to reset the shot clock.  This is missed often by the table.

Crew Chief stuff!!


Rule 5: Scoring and Timing - Scores Wrong Basket

User Rating: 5 / 5

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Section I—Scoring

d. A field goal accidentally scored in an opponent’s basket shall be added to the opponent’s score, credited to the opposing player nearest the player whose actions caused the ball to enter the basket.


This is one rule that some of us will administer incorrectly.  Most of us will probably credit the 2 point score to the player that accidentally tipped it into his/her opponent's basket.  This will cause irregularities in the scoring when they do not match up.  The score should be credited to the player who was nearest to the player that scored.

Crew Chief stuff!!


Rule 6: Putting Ball in Play - Live/Dead Ball - Jump Balls

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Section V—Jump Balls in Center Circle

a. The ball shall be put into play in the center circle by a jump ball between any two opponents:

(1) At the start of the game

(2) At the start of each overtime period

(3) A double free-throw violation

(4) Double foul during a loose ball

(5) The ball becomes dead when neither team is in control and no field goal infraction is involved

(6) The ball comes to rest on the basket flange or becomes lodged between the basket ring and the backboard

(7) A double foul occurs as a result of a difference in opinion between officials

(8) A suspension of play occurs during a loose ball

(9) A fighting foul occurs during a loose ball

(10) The officials are in doubt as to which team last touched the ball before going out of bounds and the players cannot be identified.

b. In all cases above, the jump ball shall be between any two opponents in the game at that time. If injury, ejection, or disqualification makes it necessary for any player to be replaced, his substitute may not participate in the jump ball.



This is a good rule to understand for jump ball situations that occur at the center circle.  Otherwise, all other jump balls will take place at the nearest circle.

Crew Chief stuff!!


Rule 4: Definitions - Fumble

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Section XVIII—Fumble

A player who is holding the ball and fumbles it out of his control may recover the ball. If his pivot foot moves to recover the ball, he must then pass or shoot the ball. If he fumbles and recovers it without moving his pivot foot and before the ball touches the floor, he retains his status before the fumble.


If a dribbler ends the dribble and loses control of the basketball, the player may move the pivot foot to recover the ball.  At that point, the player can only shoot or pass the ball.  No pivoting.

Only if the ball doesn't touch the ground and the player has retained the same pivot, would the player be allowed to pivot with the same foot.

Crew Chief stuff!!


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Dejounte Murray suspended for bumping referee in Game 4. Was this valid?


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