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Saturday, 27 April 2024
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Bill Jones' Blogs

Rule 10: Violations and Penalty - Jump Ball

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Section V—Jump Ball

b. During a jump ball, a personal foul committed prior to either team obtaining possession, shall be ruled a “loose ball” foul. If the violation or foul occurs prior to the ball being legally tapped, neither the game clock or shot clock shall be started.

I've seen games in which officials omit this call, because of the inability to understand how to administer this penalty. Or even worst, we just plain missed it as a crew.

This is the only time you will find a loose ball foul when the clock has not started is at this point in the game.

This is the start of the game. This sets the preliminary tone for how the game will be played. Let's make sure it's administered properly according to the rules. And if the table errors, make an effort and correct the error.


Crew chief stuff!!


Rule 9: Free Throws and Penalty - Free Throw Lineup

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Section I—Positions and Violations

d. During a free throw attempt for a common foul, each of the spaces nearest the end-line must be occupied by an opponent of the free throw shooter. Teammates of the free throw shooter must occupy the next adjacent spaces on each side. Only one of the third spaces may be occupied by an opponent of the free throw shooter. It is not mandatory that either of the third spaces be occupied by an opponent but may not be occupied by a teammate. If there is a discrepancy, teammates of the free throw shooter will occupy the spaces first.

I've seen this mis-interpreted at the higher level as well. This is very commonly mistakened with the College and High School rules.

1. Both High School and College does not reqire the shooting team to occupy the middle spot in the free throw lane.
2. The only spot that is optional for the non-shooting team at the pro level is the 3rd spot closest to the shooter.
3. Minimum of 4 and Maximum of 5 in the box, and the shooter.


Crew chief stuff!!


Rule 7: Shot Clock - Expired Clock?

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Section II—Starting and Stopping of Shot Clock

j. If an official inadvertently blows his/her whistle and the shot clock buzzer sounds while the ball is in the air, play shall be suspended and play resumed by a jump ball between any two opponents at the center circle, if the shot hits the rim and is unsuccessful. If the shot does not hit the rim, a shot clock violation has occurred. If the shot is successful, the goal shall count and the ball inbounded as after any successful field goal. It should be noted that even though the official blows his/her whistle, all provisions of the above rule apply.


The higher the level of basketball you officiate, the less often this should happen. At least now, you are aware of it and know how the rulebook instructs us to administer the play.

Even at the higher level of basketball, the most typical administration is to put 1 second back on the shot clock and resume play. That is not how the rule book implies us to administer.



Crew chief stuff!!


Rule 8: Out of Bounds and Throw In - open back court

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Section III—The Throw-In

e. Any ball out-of-bounds in a team’s frontcourt or at the midcourt line cannot be passed into the backcourt. On all backcourt and midcourt violations, the ball shall be awarded to the opposing team at the midcourt line, and must be passed into the frontcourt.

EXCEPTION: During the last two minutes of the fourth period and the last two minutes of any overtime period, the ball may be passed anywhere (frontcourt or backcourt) on the court. However, if the ball is thrown into the frontcourt and an offensive player on the court fails to control the ball and causes it to go into the backcourt, his team may not be the first to touch the ball.

This is an important rule I've seen mistakened even at the PRO-AM level. In the last 2 minutes of the game, the rule of the game changes.

Things such as foul counts increased as well as an open back court on a throw in are two of a few rule changes in the last two minutes of the game. Another article will be published shortly to discuss about the rule changes in the last two minutes of the game.

As opposed to High School and College basketball, the back court is open during a throw in only.


Crew chief stuff!!


Rule 6: Putting Ball in Play - Live/Dead Ball -Substitutions

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Section I—Start of Games/Periods and Others

EXCEPTION: In the last two minutes of each period or last two minutes of overtime, a reasonable amount of time shall be allowed for a substitution.

The game is consisted of 4 periods of 12 minutes. In the last two minutes of game, the game changes. Typically, this is where most spectators, players and coaches will remember most about the game. This is when intensity, anxiety and pressure are at its highest peak.

This is where the game needs to be slowed down in aspect to allow players and coaches to re-adjust their game plan and lineup. This is also where you will need be lenient on time when allowing substitutions in to the game. Lenient, but not to be abused.

I like to see this strategy used across the all levels of basketball.

Crew chief stuff!!


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