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Saturday, 27 July 2024
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End of 2022-2023 NBA Regular Season

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The NBA has concluded the final games of the 2022-2023 NBA season.  Our officating crew has done a fantastic job this season as we move on to the 2023 NBA Playoffs.  Congratulations to NBA G League referees Cheryl Flores, Robert Hussey, Matt Kallio and Dannica Mosher have been promoted to full-time NBA staff officials for the 2022-23 season.  Great job!

“Cheryl, Robert, Matt and Dannica have demonstrated the ability and professionalism required to be a fulltime NBA officiating staff member,” said McCutchen. “We are excited for them to have reached this milestone in their careers.”

Flores and Mosher joined Lauren Holtkamp-Sterling, Simone Jelks, Ashley Moyer-Gleich, Natalie Sago, Jenna Schroeder and Danielle Scott to bring the total of female full-time officials to eight for the 2022-23 season.



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